Pertinent Research: “Gender identity disorders among young people in Germany: prevalence and trends, 2013–2022. An analysis of nationwide routine insurance data” by Christian J. Bachmann et. al. (2024)

Excerpts: “In nahezu allen Jahren wurde die höchste Prävalenz von F64-Diagnosen (M1Q) in der Altersgruppe der 15- bis 19-jährigen weiblichen Jugendlichen festgestellt (2022: 452,6/100 000, Grafik 2). Dieser Befund zeigte sich auch für F66 (2022: 191,5/100 000).” In almost all years, the highest prevalence of F64 diagnoses (M1Q) [gender identity disorder] was found in the age group of 15- toContinue reading “Pertinent Research: “Gender identity disorders among young people in Germany: prevalence and trends, 2013–2022. An analysis of nationwide routine insurance data” by Christian J. Bachmann et. al. (2024)”

Pertinent Research: “Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery” by John J Straub et. al. (2024)

Excerpts: “The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between gender-affirmation surgery and the risk of suicide outcomes compared to two control groups with data from 2003 to 2023 . . . Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not . . . The resultsContinue reading “Pertinent Research: “Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery” by John J Straub et. al. (2024)”

Pertinent Research: “Have the psychiatric needs of people seeking gender reassignment changed as their numbers increase? A register study in Finland” by Riittakerttu Kaltiala et. al. (2023)

Excerpts: “[This is a] register-based follow-up study of individuals who contacted the nationally centralized gender identity services (GIS) in Finland in 1996–2019 (gender dysphoria [GD] group, n = 3665), and 8:1 age and sex-matched population controls . . . The GD group had received many times more specialist-level psychiatric treatment both before and after contacting specialized GIS thanContinue reading “Pertinent Research: “Have the psychiatric needs of people seeking gender reassignment changed as their numbers increase? A register study in Finland” by Riittakerttu Kaltiala et. al. (2023)”

Pertinent Research: “Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood” by Pien Rawee et. al. (2024)

Excerpts: “We found that gender non-contentedness is most common around the age of 11 and that the prevalence decreases with age . . . . . . a relationship between gender non-contentedness and a negative self-concept is also found in a combined general population and clinical sample and not only in children referred to genderContinue reading “Pertinent Research: “Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood” by Pien Rawee et. al. (2024)”

Pertinent Research: The Cass Review Final Report (2024)

Excerpts: “There are conflicting views about the clinical approach, with expectations of care at times being far from usual clinical practice . . . While a considerable amount of research has been published in this field [gender incongruence], systematic evidence reviews demonstrated the poor quality of the published studies, meaning there is not a reliableContinue reading “Pertinent Research: The Cass Review Final Report (2024)”

Pertinent Research: “Why Did Adult Gender Clinics Withhold Data from the Cass Review?” by Transgender Trend (2024)

Excerpts: “The range of co-morbidities [at Exeter] suggested that, as Dr Cass has pointed out, diagnostic overshadowing was a factor. 72.4% of those attending the clinic had a previously diagnosed mental health condition, 89.4% had an adverse childhood experience, and 23.4% had a neurodevelopmental disorder . . . It would appear that many of theContinue reading “Pertinent Research: “Why Did Adult Gender Clinics Withhold Data from the Cass Review?” by Transgender Trend (2024)”

Pertinent Research: “Cass Review Final Report – Our Statement” by Transgender Trend (2024)

Excerpts: “Dr Cass and her team have reviewed and analysed global research evidence and guidelines in transgender health care to establish an evidence base for treatments within the NHS, along with research protocols to address the many gaps in the evidence. Crucially she has considered children and adolescents holistically through a framework of childhood developmentContinue reading “Pertinent Research: “Cass Review Final Report – Our Statement” by Transgender Trend (2024)”

Survivors’ Voices: “Down the Primrose WPATH” by David Bell

Excerpt: “Central to the penetration of ideology into various institutions, including medical ones, has been the World Professional Association of Transgender Health, or WPATH. This body has been treated, both by professional associations of medics and clinicians and by the media, as if it consisted of experts with the knowledge and training to be ableContinue reading “Survivors’ Voices: “Down the Primrose WPATH” by David Bell”

Survivors’ Voices: “WPATH Files Fallout is Just the Beginning” by Eliza Mondegreen

Excerpt: “At WPATH’s 2022 conference in Montreal, I heard the same story over and over again: clinicians standing up and telling their fellow believers how they overcame their doubts . . . When I hear stories like these, I see clinicians who — at first contact with the field of gender medicine — knew better.Continue reading “Survivors’ Voices: “WPATH Files Fallout is Just the Beginning” by Eliza Mondegreen”

Survivors’ Voices: Ute Heggen on Suicidality in The WPATH Files

Excerpt: “It’s important to distinguish the difference between suicide ideation (or thoughts), suicide attempts, and completed suicides. The term ‘suicidality’ is often used to refer to all three phenomena despite the important differences between them. For example, middle-aged men are at higher risk of death by suicide than adolescents of both sexes, but adolescent girlsContinue reading “Survivors’ Voices: Ute Heggen on Suicidality in The WPATH Files”