Textrinum: “In the Curated Woods,” Chapter 3

“The moon is full, set off by a clear, dark sky. It’s the last one of the year, and moon shadows crisscross the length of the stone tables near the Center Oak. It is starkly beautiful. From the back deck, the moon appears unusually large, a creamy yellow. It shines very bright, causing dark onContinue reading “Textrinum: “In the Curated Woods,” Chapter 3″

Textrinum: “In the Curated Woods,” Chapter 2

“The next day, there is rain again. There are two reasons I won’t complain, even though it is a cold, November rain, and I miss yesterday’s warm sun. The first reason is, of course, the moss I transplanted. I can’t see it from the house, but I know how green and saturated it will beContinue reading “Textrinum: “In the Curated Woods,” Chapter 2″

Textrinum: “In the Curated Woods,” Chapter 1

Long ago, in history I cannot find documented, we can assume it was part of an early land grant or one of the railroad land grants. I reconcile the rusty metal tools, which periodically thrust themselves up from crevices, cracks, and gullies. In the Curated Woods: True Tales from a Grass Widow, Ute Heggen TheContinue reading “Textrinum: “In the Curated Woods,” Chapter 1″

Textrinum: “In the Curated Woods,” Preface

The nine months recorded in my habitat complete a just and honest rendition of an ebb and flow in the seasons of my mind, my recollections of joy and sorrow. Learning and curating my woods carried me along and told parallel tales to weave in with my past. In the Curated Woods: True Tales fromContinue reading “Textrinum: “In the Curated Woods,” Preface”