Modern Feminist Classics — “From Feminism to Transgenderism: Catharine MacKinnon and her Political Transition” by Seiya Morita

Excerpts: “[MacKinnon] says that:  ‘…not only are trans women living women’s lives―often much the worst of that life―but the transgender women I know, anyway, embrace womanhood consciously, are far more woman-identified than a vast swath of the women assigned female at birth (…) whom I also know….’” “MacKinnon has thrown away her fundamental feminist positions inContinue reading “Modern Feminist Classics — “From Feminism to Transgenderism: Catharine MacKinnon and her Political Transition” by Seiya Morita”

Modern Feminist Classics: “How Pornography Forged the Trans Movement” by Genevieve Gluck

“Narcissus at the Source” attributed to Altobello Meloni Excerpt: “Through pornography, it is not only the act of sex that becomes a product: the sexed body itself becomes both spectacle and commodity. As we turn to screens for human interaction, and as pornography increasingly substitutes real relationships, fetishism emerges as a powerful social contagion thatContinue reading “Modern Feminist Classics: “How Pornography Forged the Trans Movement” by Genevieve Gluck”

Modern Feminist Classics — “Womanface: The Insult of Transgenderism” by Sheila Jeffreys

Personal note: I use the term “gender critical” because it’s more accessible to readers — it’s easy to grasp in terms of ‘gender’ (what we’re discussing) and ‘critical’ (the approach we’re using in those discussions). It opens the discourse to people who’d otherwise be excluded, which appeals strongly to my working-class-scholar roots and street-Socratics temperament.Continue reading “Modern Feminist Classics — “Womanface: The Insult of Transgenderism” by Sheila Jeffreys”

Modern Feminist Classics: “Queer Praxis” by Ceri Black

Excerpts: “. . . you will notice, very often, when arguing with people who think like this, that they revert to questions. This is because it is primarily a deconstructive tool, not a constructive philosophy. Do not let them get away with it. Questions are not arguments, and these questions have real, material answers .Continue reading “Modern Feminist Classics: “Queer Praxis” by Ceri Black”

Modern Feminist Classics: “Taking Back Control? How Will the Gender Wars End?” – Suzanne Moore

“Transitioning via surgery and hormones promises that one’s mind can take control of one’s body. It cannot. We are embodied beings, not brains in bottles . . .” – Suzanne Moore ~~~

Modern Feminist Classics: “This is Why the ‘True Trans’ Approach is a Problem” by Meghan Murphy

“Many who are critical of gender identity ideology continue to insist there are ‘real trans’ and those who are not ‘truly’ trans and are therefore faking it, or something of the like. This makes no sense . . . [and makes] no difference in terms of the harms of gender identity ideology and is irrelevantContinue reading “Modern Feminist Classics: “This is Why the ‘True Trans’ Approach is a Problem” by Meghan Murphy”

Modern Feminist Classics: “Porn Culture and Transgenderism” by Dr. Em

Content Warning: NSFW — the linked transcribed lecture contains explicit language and descriptions of sexual violence in support of the author’s thesis. Excerpts: “In 1981 Andrea Dworkin published her work Pornography with the sub-heading ‘men possessing women’. Her thesis was that porn was propaganda in the war upon women and based on control, domination andContinue reading “Modern Feminist Classics: “Porn Culture and Transgenderism” by Dr. Em”

Modern Feminist Classics: “Don’t Let Sissy-Porn Addicts Redefine What it Means to Be a Woman” by Eliza Mondegreen

“Redefining women from a sex class to a mixed-sex class based on male sexual projections reifies sex-role stereotypes and requires actual women and girls to dissociate body and mind . . . If some men want to wear ‘women’ as masks, then women must be masks, nothing more.” ~~~

Modern Feminist Classics: “Feminist Myths about Sisterhood” by Phyllis Chesler

A hard read, and a good read. “. . . some of us revered, rather than became, the women we most admired. Sometimes we found ourselves drawn to a feminist who was quite abusive to women. We believed in her work and wished to bask in the light of her fame or ideas; as women,Continue reading “Modern Feminist Classics: “Feminist Myths about Sisterhood” by Phyllis Chesler”

Modern Feminist Classics: “A Plea for Help for Feminists from a Trans Widow” via Make More Noise

“Having your boundaries gradually and forcibly broken down and compromised over a period of time until your marriage becomes nothing like the arrangement that you signed up to, feels exactly like Sarah describes — a slow death with everything you thought you knew about yourself being gradually crushed out of existence. But with the supportContinue reading “Modern Feminist Classics: “A Plea for Help for Feminists from a Trans Widow” via Make More Noise”