The Peakening: One Last Headline

. . . because the rational pushback against gender-identity madness — personal, professional, civic, judicial, and political — continues, and it’s relatively easy to find examples these days. Graham Linehan’s characterization of the trans debacle as “a slow-motion scandal” (how many years ago?) was apt.

Here I resume my focus on survivors, many of whom will need years (decades) of responsible psychological diagnosis and treatment, trauma therapy, and appropriate care. I support them in healing, in telling their stories, and in crafting a functional and meaningful life.



  1. uteheggen says:

    Well, I am collecting survivors. A new trans widow contacted me today. And Juliette contacted me that a new one contacted her. Strength in numbers! I do not wish for any other woman to experience this, but at least they have me and you, Estelle! We didn’t have us~

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ute, that’s brilliant! As an aside, it’s my one-year WP anniversary, and I wouldn’t be here without you. We find each other. 🪔


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