The Peakening: You Guessed It — More Headlines

(Daily Mail, U.K.)

(The Daily Signal, U.S.)

(Daily Mail, U.K.)

(Washington Examiner, U.S., aggregated by Microsoft News — that’s noteworthy)

(The Telegraph, U.K.)

(New York Post, U.S.)

(The Independent, U.K., October 11, 2022. Excerpt: “Transgender prisoners ‘with male genitalia’ should no longer be held in women’s prisons, the justice secretary has announced.“)

(Daily Mail, U.K.)

(The Sunday Times, U.K.)

(Daily Mail, U.K. Excerpt: “PayPal has reversed course on its policy to fine users $2,500 for spreading misinformation after receiving backlash from even its former president . . . It also would have added protections for specific ‘protected groups’ and individuals or groups based on protected characteristics.‘” This would have opened GC content to being banned on PayPal.)



  1. uteheggen says:

    Truly remarkable! You continue to provide the broad sweep and relevant details of the overreach of cross-sex ideology. My next task is a post with all the relevant links to the articles/research by Michael Biggs, Dr. Stephen B. Levine, Lesbians-United, the Swedish study and so on, for use countering the Jon Stewart-style arguments referencing “experts.” When your experts are John Money and Jack Turban, as the “sexology” field does, the entire speciality comes into question. Thanks, Estelle from Ute

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Ute. When did Jon Stewart become so credulous of institutional guidance? 🤔 Excellent idea on the research — we need that info out there.


      1. uteheggen says:

        Here’s a link to my post today with citations of the 6 most important studies debunking what has been passing as publication-worthy research:

        Jon Stewart, Read These 6 References, Compendium of Critiques Concur: “Affirmation” Huge Flaws, No Valid Data

        Liked by 1 person

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